Saturday 18 December 2010

Iran arrested a young Baluch blogger

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Occupied Balochistan:News published in a reputable Baluch site ‘Pahra’ reporting the arrest of a Baluch blogger by Iranians. The blogger named as Ebrahim Hossienbor was where cultural and social content were published in Persian.

The reason for his arrest has not been revealed by Iranians as yet, but many believe being a Baluch and then educated or learnt is a good enough reason for Iran to arrest. Publishing your thoughts is seen an additional challenge by Iran.

Iranians arrested another Baluchistani blogger Yaghub Mehrnehad in 2007 and executed him the following year without a fair trial. Mehrnehad had highlighted the plight of trodden people of Baluchistan.

Recently the ‘blogfa’ company blocked access to Mehrnehad’s blog saying it had unlawful content.

As a blogger we ask for tolerance and freedom of expression and demand the immediate release of Mr Ebrahim Hossienbor. We also urge Baluch bloggers to be cautious as they are faced with a brutal regime backed by chauvinists who are running Persian web servers.

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